Deal origination investment banking is an integral element of the job of professionals in capital markets, because they assist their companies to acquire valuable clients and generate leads. They’re also responsible for ensuring that their company is aware of all the current deals available to them and are able to make a bid if an opportunity is available.

This process is often extremely time-consuming and costly and a lot of companies are now outsourcing some of their deal-making tasks to contracted specialists or establishing a full in-house teams that are dedicated to this job. Automated software like SlyBroadcast is also a useful tool in this scenario. They enable companies to follow up on their clients by sending out non-intrusive automated voice messages (i.e. pre-recorded message) to their contacts, informing them about any new opportunities.

Outbound deal sourcing, a more modern method, involves making a list and making contact with them directly. This kind of deal sourcing, usually done by specialist investment firms, is more likely to produce quantifiable results.

Like we wouldn’t want to live in a world without movie theater mobile apps which conveniently display the show times or cameras that require us to drop off film rolls to be developed and developed, investment bankers cannot be able to afford to rely on outdated technology, tools, and processes. Inability to adapt could lead to a loss of competitive edge and the risk of being overrun by more agile competitors. Modern investment banks can benefit from advanced technology and private intelligence platforms for companies in order to streamline data collection and increase the efficiency of workflows. They can also convert data into benefits that are exclusive to them.

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