why does motivation matter in recovery

By taking the leap into recovery, you have already made the hardest move. In many cases of substance use disorders, the abuse prolongs because of an inability to see a problem and to accept responsibility for any bad actions that come from this disorder. Having made that stride, the next step is finding the internal motivation to not quit and to keep fighting everyday for a better life. Feeling good and taking care of your mental health are huge factors in determining your motivation to recover.

  • There’s no reason why you can’t get counseling and therapy 5 years after rehab.
  • We can offer guidance and insight into the recovery process, and will work to provide you with clarity into the steps that lay ahead.
  • Substance abuse weakens the immune system, making individuals more vulnerable to illnesses.
  • A therapist can help you learn new coping skills, develop new thinking patterns, and address any co-occurring mental health conditions that may make recovery more difficult.

What are the potential long-term health problems associated with chronic substance use?

Break down larger goals into smaller steps to make the journey feel less overwhelming. It starts by identifying why a person lacks motivation and taking action towards personal growth and long-term change. To be resilient and overcome setbacks, it is necessary to focus on what is possible and desirable, rather than on what has gone wrong. With a positive focus, it is easier to “get back on the horse” and try again, limiting the negative effects of a misstep or setback and re-establishing forward momentum toward your recovery goals. First decide to see yourself as someone who is capable of being an honorable person, and someone who is willing to work toward that goal.

Stay in control of your schedule

why does motivation matter in recovery

Forgive yourself for past errors and show empathy towards your journey. Engaging with others in recovery establishes camaraderie and connection. Support groups or 12-step programs let individuals share their tales, pick up wisdom from those who have gone through similar issues and get https://ecosoberhouse.com/ inspired by success stories. The remainder of this article will delve deeper into specific ways you can develop intrinsic motivation. Recovery is founded on a number of guiding principles that help people know how to live life sober, including honesty and integrity, among many others.

  • Exploring new hobbies or finding productive outlets help people focus on positive activities and prevent relapse.
  • These offer services like detox, therapy, counseling, and medication-assisted treatment, tailored to each individual.
  • This involves setting goals, finding purpose, and taking charge of positive choices.
  • The activity of recovery itself is satisfying as it’s giving you a sense of accomplishment and self-improvement, so you keep doing it.
  • Although over 90% of individuals experiment with alcohol and/or illicit substances, only a small proportion of these individuals become addicts (Robinson & Berridge, 2003).

How to Assess and Improve Readiness for Change

As we progress through life and have new and different experiences, some values become less important to us while others become more so. This is one reason why it is helpful and healthy to regularly consider what is truly important to you. Even if you believe your values haven’t changed over the years, it is still helpful to engage in the exercise of values clarification. Values are qualities or principles that people consider to be important and wish to personify. Values often translate to the standards of behavior a person wants to demonstrate—to him- or herself, as well as to others.

Understanding Why You Want to Stay in Recovery

  • These challenges increase the likelihood of a relapse along the way as you’re tempted to revert to old habits in the recovery process.
  • High-quality motivation allows us to thrive, while its deficit causes us to flounder.
  • Practice strategies to cultivate a positive mindset, such as meditation and mindfulness.
  • This is one reason why it is helpful and healthy to regularly consider what is truly important to you.

In addition, positive thinking lowers the risk of certain diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, by promoting healthy habits like exercise and good nutrition. Volunteering is a healthy way to spend time and energy, which can be used positively instead of engaging in negative habits. Joining group activities or classes related to their hobby can provide support and connection, and encourage personal growth. The good news is that retraining your brain is possible; the brain is a remarkably flexible organ that, when engaged in appropriate ways, can be reoriented toward healing. Disrupting the neural pathways that are formed by (and facilitate) maladaptive behaviors is not instantaneous; rather, it relies on sustained, repetitive change. You must continuously choose against your addiction, even when your first instinct is to use.

  • It lists many benefits of healthy motivation and distinguishes the types of motivation that are more effective in dealing with our complex and rapidly changing environment.
  • For these reasons, let’s take the next step and get more focused about your goals.
  • Surrounding themselves with optimistic individuals who trust in their capability, these people can find encouragement, support, and motivation to remain positive.
  • While extrinsic motivation can provide initial motivation and reinforcement, intrinsic motivation is essential for sustaining long-term recovery and fostering personal growth.
  • It may seem that relapse is the last thing that could happen to you, but the truth is they are very common for people new to recovery.

Furthermore, being part of the sober support network allows individuals to contribute their own stories and help others. Sharing personal successes and setbacks can inspire those who feel discouraged. Being engaged with the sober support community and offering service to others not only brings a sense of purpose, but reinforces one’s commitment to sobriety.

Getting Follow-Up Treatment & Aftercare

why does motivation matter in recovery

Instead, focus on things, experiences, and activities that will support your new, healthy lifestyle. Next, try to prioritize and select the top two or three goals which are most vital to your overall physical and mental health. If addiction has been an issue, the goal to “maintain sobriety” is a must to include. Next would likely be a goal related to mental health (manage mental illness) and one or more related to physical health (rest, physical activity, medications, recovery motivation healthy diet, etc.). 2The term “compulsive” carries considerable meaning, and it may refer to different aspects of addictive behavior, including constant drug seeking and use, loss of voluntary control, and irresistible strong urges. However, the literature is not clear on whether all these characteristics need to be present to characterize drug use as compulsive, nor is it clear whether compulsiveness is a necessary condition of addictive behavior.

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

why does motivation matter in recovery

This article explains the reasons why understanding human motivation is important and well worth the time spent on learning to increase it. It lists many benefits of healthy motivation and distinguishes the types of motivation that are more effective in dealing with our complex and rapidly changing environment. Working the 12 steps with a sponsor can help guide you and keep you motivated to continue the progress in your journey of recovery.

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