In other words, this account’s credit balance is contrary to (or opposite of) the usual debit balance for an expense account. In addition to sales returns, the most common contra revenues are sales discounts and sales allowances. A «discount,» in accounting terms, usually refers to a price reduction offered as an inducement to customers who pay their bills quickly, not to a «sale» price, which is simply incorporated into gross revenue. Sales allowances are price reductions offered to persuade customers to accept merchandise with damage or minor defects not serious enough to warrant a return. Expenses are the costs of doing business, but not all costs are expenses.

Expense Contra Account

We can see how the $10,000 allowance for doubtful accounts offsets the $100,000 A/R account from our illustrative example above (i.e. the account decreases the carrying value of A/R). Still, the dollar amounts are separately broken out in the supplementary sections most of the time for greater transparency in financial reporting. Cam Merritt is a writer and editor specializing in business, personal finance and home design. He has contributed to USA Today, The Des Moines Register and Better Homes and Gardens»publications. Merritt has a journalism degree from Drake University and is pursuing an MBA from the University of Iowa.

Everything You Need To Build Your Accounting Skills

In accounting terms, an expense is a cost incurred to produce revenue reported on the income statement. If you buy a pair of shoes from your supplier for $20, that’s a cost, but it’s not yet an expense. That’s because, as far as accounting is concerned, you haven’t really «spent» $20. You’ve just converted $20 worth of cash into $20 worth of shoes; an asset that remains in your inventory. Since you no longer have the shoes, aka the asset, you record a $20 expense on your income statement, But you also record $30 in revenue from the sale, so your net income is $10. Of course, you’ll also have to pay your employees’ wages, your rent, your utilities and other costs.

Purchase Return, Allowance, and Discount Contra Expense Accounts

For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) hasworked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online. For the past 52 years, Harold Averkamp (CPA, MBA) has worked as an accounting supervisor, manager, consultant, university instructor, and innovator in teaching accounting online. Chartered accountant Michael Brown is the founder and CEO of Double Entry Bookkeeping. He has worked as an accountant and consultant for more than 25 years and has built financial models for all types of industries.

How Are Contra Accounts Reported in Financial Statements?

  1. Contra revenue accounts typically offset revenue accounts in a firm’s income statement.
  2. Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset account used to record the amount of depreciation to date on a fixed asset.
  3. Of that amount, it is estimated that 1% of that amount will become bad debt at some point in the future.
  4. A contra expense account is a general ledger expense account that will intentionally have a credit balance (instead of the debit balance that is typical for an expense account).
  5. Therefore, the net amount of the accounts receivable that is expected to turn to cash is $38,000.

Maybe more importantly, it shows investors and creditors what percentage of receivables the company is writing off. Contra Asset Account – A contra asset account is an asset that carries a credit balance and is used to decrease the balance of another asset on the balance. Contra accounts are special accounts that are established to decrease the balance in another account indirectly.

By accounting for discounts and other adjustments, GadgetHub can track its actual expenses more effectively and make more informed decisions about its inventory purchases and supplier relationships. For instance, if a company has a plant asset such as Equipment with a debit balance of $92,000 and the account Accumulated Depreciation has a credit balance of $50,000, the carrying amount (or book value) of the equipment is $42,000. Whenever the balance of a contra asset account increases (credit to the contra asset account), the increased amount is written off as an expense and is reported in the company’s income statement.

What is a Contra Liability?

Nor would it count as a liability as it does not reflect a future obligation. A contra revenue represents any deductions or offsets that need to be removed from gross revenue to provide a clearer understanding of actual income  —  such as in the example just provided. These accounts will typically help track sales discounts, product returns, and allowances (e.g., a price reduction for a good with minor defects). Overall, revenue and contra expense are two distinct accounting concepts.

Similarly, if the parent account lists entries as debits, the contra account will appear as a credit. The allowance for doubtful accounts – often called a “bad debt reserve” – would be considered a contra asset since it causes the accounts receivable (A/R) balance to decline. At the end of year 20, the car and the accumulated depreciation accounts will be written off from the balance sheet, as the car will be a fully depreciated asset. For example, an asset was purchased by a company for $100,000 – that is, the historical cost of the asset was $100,000 – and its contra asset counterpart has a balance of $30,000. Whenever the balance of an account needs to be reduced in a company’s ledger, it is not always applicable to credit the account if it is an asset or debit the account if it is a liability. Hence, the term valuation account represents all types of balance sheet accounts related to their corresponding balance sheet accounts.

With the appropriate level of automation integration in your chosen tool, you can pull the relevant values into these individual accounts directly from invoices, credit agreements, and other documentation. Rather than pay this cost up-front and tie up a significant chunk of capital, Show-Fleur makes this purchase on credit with a 90-day due date after invoicing. Fortunately, the seat vendor offered an early payment discount of 5%, meaning that when Show-Fleur paid off its full credit note within the first 30 days, it recouped $30 thousand in savings. The purpose of the Sales Returns account is to track the reduction in the value of the revenue while preserving the original amount of sales revenue.

Contra liability accounts are mainly used by corporations that issue bonds frequently. That is because some of the bonds are issued at a discount, so this reduces the balance of their bonds payable. Accumulated depreciation is a contra asset account used to record the amount of depreciation to date on a fixed asset. Examples of fixed assets include buildings, machinery, office equipment, furniture, vehicles, etc.

The use of a contra account allows a company to report the original amount and also report a reduction so that the net amount will also be reported. The net amount is often referred to as the carrying amount or perhaps the net realizable amount. GAAP, the allowance for doubtful accounts represents management’s estimate of the percentage of “uncollectible” accounts receivable (i.e. the credit purchases from customers that are not expected to be paid).

Contra liability accounts are special accounts in the liabilities section of the balance sheet. This would let users of the financial statements calculate the book value of the liability. Note that in accounting, the term “book value” is also used interchangeably with net value. Therefore, the book value of an asset in the books is equal to its historical cost (the debit balance of the asset) minus the related amount of contra asset in the balance sheet (the credit balance of the contra asset). In bookkeeping, a contra asset account is an asset account in which the natural balance of the account will either be a zero or a credit (negative) balance. The account offsets the balance in the respective asset account that it is paired with on the balance sheet.

Contra Equity Account – A contra equity account has a debit balance and decreases a standard equity account. Treasure stock is a good example as it carries cumulative dividend definition key features and formula a debit balance and decreases the overall stockholders’ equity. A contra account is an account with a balance opposite the normal accounts in its category.

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